Promoting girl child education

The issues women and girls face stretch far and wide across the globe, and progress can often feel slow when the numbers of oppressed women and girls are so high.

Sex trafficking, gender-based violence, maternal mortality, forced prostitution and early child marriage, how do we combat these issues? One of the most effective ways is education.

Currently one in five eligible girls worldwide are not attending school, this is unacceptable. we need to make sure that every girl has access to affordable education. Schooling is not just a solution for girls, but also for communities as well. Through education girls are less vulnerable to trafficking, turn to have fewer children and gain greater access to job market. Some of the actions we ca take to promote global education are simple: we can provide school uniforms or supply school shoes, text books, exercise books or even provide financial incentives to families in exchange for students regular attendance.

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Marfo Victoria Konadu, one of our beneficiaries who have just got an admission to a Senior High School #nkawkawseniorhighschool #moregirlstogo #sponsoragirlchild #donatenow